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Ван Гог. Жизнь. Том 1. Том 2 - Найфи Стивен

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Goncourt, Edmond de, Goncourt, Jules de. French XVIII Century Painters: Watteau, Boucher, Chardin, La Tour, Greuze, Fragonard / transl. by Robin Ironside. – London: Phaidon Press, 1948. (Оригинальное название: L’art au dix-huitième siècle.)

Goncourt, Edmond de. Elisa / transl. by Margaret Crosland. – New York: Howard Fertig, 1975. (Оригинальное название: La fille Élisa.)

Goncourt, Edmond de. Germinie / transl. by Martin Tunnell. – London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1955. (Оригинальное название: Germinie Lacerteux.)

Goncourt, Edmond de. Paris and the Arts, 1851–1896: From the Goncourt Journal / transl. and ed. by George J. Becker and Edith Philips with an afterword by Hedley H. Rhys. – Ithaca (N.Y.); London: Cornell University Press, 1971.

Goncourt, Edmond de. Sister Philomène / transl. by Laura Ensor. – New York: Howard Fertig, 1975. (Оригинальное название: Soeur Philomène.)

Goncourt, Edmond de. The Zemganno Brothers / transl. by Leonard Clark and Iris Allan. – London: Mayflower-Dell, 1966. (Оригинальное название: Les frères Zemganno.)

Goudsblom, Johan. Dutch Society. – New York: Random House, 1967.

Gowers, William Richard. Epilepsy and Other Chronic Convulsive Disorders, Their Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. – London: J & A Churchill, 1881.

Graetz, H. R. The Symbolic Language of Vincent van Gogh. – New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.

Gray, Christopher. Armand Guillaumin. – Chester (Conn.): Pequot Press, 1972.

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Guiral, Pierre. La vie quotidienne en Provence au temps de Mistral. – Paris: Hachette, 1972.

Hammacher, Abraham Marie. Van Gogh en Belgique / transl. by A. H. Wolters-Girard. – Mons: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons, 1980.

Harsin, Jill. Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Paris. – Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.

Hartrick, Archibald Standish. A Painter’s Pilgrimage Through Fifty Years. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939.

Havard, Henry. The Heart of Holland / transl. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. – London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1880.

Hendriks, Ella, Tilborgh, Louis van. Vincent van Gogh: Paintings. – Vol. 2: Antwerp and Paris, 1885–1888. – Zwolle: Waanders and Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, 2011.

Herbert, Eugenia. The Artist and Social Reform: France and Belgium, 1885–1898. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.

Herkomer, Hubert von. The Herkomers. – 2 vols. – London: Macmillan, 1910.

Heugten, Sjraar van. Vincent van Gogh: Drawings. – Vol. 1: The Early Years, 1880–1883. – Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum and London: Lund Humphreys, 1996.

Heugten, Sjraar van. Vincent van Gogh: Drawings. – Vol. 2: Nuenen, 1883–1885. – Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum and London: Lund Humphreys, 1997.

Heugten, Sjraar van, Pissarro Joachim, Stolwijk Chris. Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night. – Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, Brussels: Mercatorfonds, and New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2008.

History of the Low Countries / eds. J. C. H. Blom, Emiel Lamberts. – Oxford; New York: Berghahn Books, 1999.

Homburg, Cornelia. The Copy Turns Original: Vincent van Gogh and a New Approach to Traditional Artistic Practice. – Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.

Hugo, Victor. The Last Day of a Condemned Man and Other Prison Writings / transl. by Geoff Woollen. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. (Оригинальное название: Le dernier jour d’un condamné.)

Hulsker, Jan. The New Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches. – Revised and enlarged edition. – Amsterdam: John Benjamins; Meulenhoff, 1996.

Hulsker, Jan. Vincent and Theo van Gogh: A Dual Biography / ed. by James M. Miller. – Ann Arbor, Michigan: Fuller Publications, 1990.

Hutchison, Sidney C. The History of the Royal Academy: 1768–1968. – London: Chapman and Hall, 1968.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Railway Locomotives / ed. by P. Ransome-Wallis. – New York and Toronto: Hawthorne Books and McClelland & Stewart, Ltd., 1959.

Inwood, Stephen. A History of London. – New York: Carol and Graf Publishers, 1998.

Ives, Colta, Stein, Susan Alyson, Heugten, Sjraar van, Vellekoop, Marije. Vincent van Gogh: Drawings. – New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.

Jackson, J. Hughlings. Neurological Fragments. With a Biographical Memoir by James Taylor. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1925.

James, Henry. A Little Tour in France. – Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1884.

James, Henry. Parisian Sketches: Letters to the New York Tribune, 1875–1876 / ed. by Leon Edel and Ilse Dusoir Lind. – New York: Collier Books, 1961.

Jansen, Leo, Luijten, Hans, Bakker, Nienke. Vincent van Gogh: Painted with Words; The Letters to Émile Bernard. – New York: Rizzoli, 2007.

Jefferies, Richard. The Story of My Heart: My Autobiography. – London: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1883.

Jerrold, Blanchard, Doré, Gustave. London: A Pilgrimage. – New York: Dover Publications, 1970.

Jirat-Wasiutynski, Vojtech. Paul Gauguin in the Context of Symbolism. – New York: Garland, 1987.

Jullian, Philippe. Montmartre / transl. by Anne Carter. – Oxford: Phaidon, 1977.

Karr, Alphonse. A Tour Round My Garden / revised and ed. by John George Wood. – London and New York: G. Routledge & Co., 1855.

Kearns, James. Symbolist Landscapes: The Place of Painting in the Poetry and Criticism of Mallarmé and His Circle. – London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1989.

Kempis, Thomas à. The Imitation of Christ: // Three Books / transl. and ed. by Joseph N. Tylenda with a preface by Sally Cunneen. – New York: Vintage Spiritual Classics, 1998. (Оригинальное название: De imitatione Christi).

King, Edward. My Paris: French Character Sketches. – Boston: Loring, 1868.

Knippenberg, Hans. Deelname aan het lager onderwijs in Nederland gedurende de negentiende eeuw. – Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1986.

Kôdera, Tsukasa. Vincent van Gogh: Christianity Versus Nature. – Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1990.

Kools, Frank. Vincent van Gogh en zijn geboorteplaats: als een boer van Zundert. – Zutphen (The Netherlands): Walburg Pers, 1990.

Kraus, G. The Relationship between Theo and Vincent van Gogh / transl. by G. J. Renier. – Otterlo: Kröller-Müller Stichting and Amsterdam: J. M. Meulenhoff, 1954.

La Plante, Eve. Seized: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy as a Medical, Historical, and Artistic Phenomenon. – New York: Harper Collins, 1993.

Lanier, Dorris. Absinthe: The Cocaine of the Nineteenth Century; A History of the Hallucinogenic Drug and Its Effect on Artists and Writers in Europe and the United States. – Jefferson (N. C.): McFarland and Company, 1995.

Lauzac, Henry. Galerie historique et critique de dix-neuvième siècle: J. B. A. Goupil. – Paris: Bureau de la Galerie Historique, 1864.

Lavater, Johann Kaspar. Essays on Physiognomy: For the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind / transl. by Thomas Holcroft. – London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1789.

Legouvé, Ernest. Les pères et les enfants au XIXe siècle. – Paris: J. Hetzel, 1910.

Lennox, William Gordon, Lennox, Margaret A. Epilepsy and Related Disorders. – 2 vols. – Boston: Little, Brown, 1960.

Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Recollections of Forty Years / transl. by C. B. Pitman. – London: Chapman and Hall, 1887. (Оригинальное название: Souvenirs de quarante ans.)

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